LIM research activity started in 1993 with the development of Active Magnetic Bearings fort high speed rotors as an alternative kind of support to be studied and applied. A typical subject for Rotordynamics turned out to be a benchmark case for a complete mechatronic case study. Since the design and construction of the first spindle on AMB build in Italy, LIM has been internationally recognized as a leading institution in this niche field of engineering research hosting the 6th Internation Symposium on Magnetic Technology in Torino in 2001.
Starting from the technology needed with Magnetic Bearings, a number of different mechatronic devices has been studied and applied, for example Piezoelectric Transducers. Moreover the underlying Digital System Technology as well as the design methodology of integrated model-based design, simulation and testing, evolved into independent subject of research, e.g. actuator control units simulation and testing.
In the years, LIM research activity has constantly moved toward specific environment of application such as the space applications or industrial prototypes. Lately a more specific environment has been introduced, i.e. the Automotive Field.
LIM - Mechatronics Lab moves to COVIVIO
The Mechatronics Lab on february 1th 2021 has moved to the new spaces of the Cittadella Politecnica at the COVIVO business center in Corso Ferrucci 112 - Turin.